Christ's Way to Prayer - How Christ prays for us and with us.
WHEN: July 22 to July 30, 2022
TIME: 7 PM, nightly (Eastern Time)
WHERE: On the phone: (216) 777-7110
Do your prayers seem to bounce off the wall and back into your face? Do you feel as if your petitions barely reach the ceiling before falling back, shattered at your feet? How can your puny prayers become prevailing prayers?
Christ's Way to Pray is a nine-day Week of Prayer that answers these questions and teaches how shifting the focus from ourselves and onto Christ is the answer to a boundless and powerful prayer life!
The Four P's of Prayer
1. Personally by name
2. Passionately
3. Powerfully
4. Perpetually
A former professor in the Theological Seminary at Andrews University in Michigan, a missionary in Africa, and a previous chief editor of the Adult Sabbath School Bible Study Guide at the General Conference in Maryland, Dr. Philip G. Samaan is currently a professor in the School of Religion at Southern Adventist University in Tennessee.