Stephen D. Lewis

Stephen D. Lewis is the Pastor for Glenville Present Truth Seventh-day Adventist Church. He is the featured speaker of the television and radio program, The Present Truth, which is broadcast on radio and television stations across the United States. (Find stations in your area.) He knows what it means to be saved by grace and that's what inspires his enthusiastic love for Christ and His people. His ministry includes more than twenty-five years of preaching the Three Angels' message all over the world, empowering thousands with his Spirit-filled presentations on righteousness by faith, family and relationships and healthy lifestyle choices to live victoriously in Christ. Pastor Lewis is happily married to Kshama, his best friend and companion in ministry. Together, their interest and aim is to finish the work “so that we can go home!” Maranatha!
Elders and Deacons
Glenville Present Truth benefits from the effective leadership of its elders and deacons. Each week they serve in community outreach, spiritual nurturing of new and established believers in the faith, as well as mentoring members to best fulfill their God-given talents. Their tireless care for the church, bringing care and comfort to the family of God, is a treasured blessing to the church family.